
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Using iPads in the Classroom

Our PTO generously purchased 19 iPads to share in our elementary school. We have been using them as much as we can in third grade this year! I found a great iPad rule sheet from Heidi's Blog and make sure to go over the rules before we pass the iPads out. Here are a few of the ways we have used them in the past week:
It's easy, fast, and a quick way to share or evaluate student learning. The teacher creates a wall, students enter the wall's web address, and voilĂ  ~ they share their work, ideas, questions, or answers. This past week I had my first evaluation of the year. My students were working on quadrilaterals in math, so we used the iPads to show understanding. There is an awesome and free app called "Geoboard" in the Apple Store. If you cannot download the app, you can also use the online version. During my evaluation, I had my students make quadrilaterals on their digital geoboard, take a picture when they were done (press home button and power at the same time), and then upload their picture on our math padlet wall. Below is a screenshot of a few of their creations. As you can see, a few of them need a bit of review (a pentagon in one picture and some open figures in another), but for the most part they were successful. The work is saved on the wall until I change it, so I can go back in to evaluate their work after the lesson is over.
I can't say enough about this product; my students are engaged, it's quick and easy, and FUN! Teachers go onto this website to create a free account. Teachers can then upload spelling and vocabulary words for students to use for instruction, review, or to play games. We use this on a daily basis, and students can even access this at home. My students' favorite game so far is "Hang Mouse." For more games, a classroom can purchase a premium membership.We just started using this app, so I don't have many lists, but my students are enjoying this program. We are in the works to requisition a premium membership for our entire 3rd grade class; cross your fingers!
My students use the iPads to take Accelerated Reading tests after they complete their books. I love having the iPads around, as the students don't have to wait in line for a test on the computer anymore. Our school recently went to the online version and it's amazing! The students can access quizzes on the website or through the free app.

This week my students made video clips using the iPad camera. They used the infamous song "What Does a Fox Say?" to create their own song "What Do Illustrators Do?" I compiled thie clips into an iMovie and uploaded their work onto This is not a free app, but I've already used it twice this week. It's worth the $4.99 in my opinion. After the movie was complete, I played the video for my students; even having to pause the clip for a bit due to so much laughter they couldn't hear the video! They were shocked to be on youtube! They loved using their vocabulary words from the story, and some students even found the link at home to show their parents. I got the following email from a student, which completely made my night:

Those are just a few ways I have personally used the iPads in one week in my 3rd grade room. Next week we will try out and Splash Math. I know there are oodles of other uses out there for us to discover!

Happy teaching,

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