
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What happened to my summer?

As the 2013 - 2014 school year nears, I'm finding myself thinking the same thoughts as last year... "Where did my summer go?!?!" 

Can you relate? I recall waving "good-bye" to my kiddies at the end of May and promising myself to get schoolwork done this summer. I planned on getting a head start on labeling awards, reading up on a  new curriculum, making a ton of SmartBoard files, and going nuts on TeachersPayTeachers, just to name a few.  Now I sit here with 12 days until our BTS meetings and not much crossed off my "To Do" list. Humph....

Where does the time go each summer? To be fair, I do have a few great excuses as to why my list is still a bit lengthy. First off, my family moved this summer. We didn't go a great distance, but let's face it... moving is moving. (I'm still unpacking, ugh!) Then, my parents rented a beach house in the Outer Banks to enjoy with our entire family for a week; 19 vacationed in all! (Sounds like a future math problem, haha!) Next, there's Zumba! My teacher friend and I instruct classes twice a week for adults and held an additional four classes for the tween girls in July. I love Zumba!! Then, well.... yeah, that's all the excuses I can find. 

The Sound behind our beach house in Corolla, NC.

So what happened to all that time in between? There were days of trying to sleep in, hours by the pool with the family, time spent babysitting, playing with the pooch, movies at the dine-in theater, family game nights, and trying new recipes on Pinterest. Plus, it did rain for weeks on end in Ohio; that was a bummer. Finally, I can't avoid the useless time I spent on Facebook or sitting in front of the tube watching Big Brother. 

Maybe I didn't get all the school work done that I wanted to, but I do feel well-rested, rejuvenated, and ready to meet a new group of learners. I'm certain in a few months I'll long for those moments that went by so fast this summer. Until then, I'm off enjoy these 12 final days of "freedom." Oh, and learn a new Zumba routine! ;)

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